

    • Signing up for a Tijarat account is easy, all you need is an email address. Once your account is set up, you can buy, sell, and enjoy all the benefits of being a Tijarat member. You'll be able to use My Tijarat to keep track of your buying and selling activity.
  1. Sign up for a Tijarat account
    • Signing up for a Tijarat account is quick and easy. You can follow the instructions below to create your account:

  2. Creating a Tijarat account using an Email
  3. Creating a Tijarat account using Google
      If you have a Google account, you can use it to create an Tijarat account. Here's how:
    • 1. On the Registration page, select Continue with Google.

    • 2. Sign in to your Google account.

    • 3. Allow Tijarat to access your public profile and email address.

    • 4. Confirm the email address you want to use for your Tijarat account.

    • 5. Select Create account.

    • We'll use this information to create an account for you and send you an email to confirm account details. If an Tijarat account already exists with the email address you use for your Google account, you'll be prompted to enter your Tijarat password to link your accounts.
  4. Linking your Tijarat account to your Google account
      If you already have a Tijarat account, you can link it to your social accounts:
    • 1. Go to Sign in and security.

    • 2. Go to Social Accounts and select Edit next to Google

    • 3. Sign in to your Tijarat account.

    • 4. Select  Continue with Google

    • 5. You'll need to sign in to your social account with your email address or phone number and password.

    • 6. Select Continue.