
Quality and Guarantees

At Tijarat our goal is that customers receive quality products in a timely manner. However since Tijarat itself does not sell any products as it is just an online shopping mall and the independent sellers and store owners sell the products. It is the sellers responsibility to meet all of customers’ quality expectations.

You can relate Tijarat to an actual Physical shopping mall and in a Physical mall all products sold in different stores in the mall are store owners’ responsibility and it’s their job to satisfy and meet the quality expectation of their customers. In case of complaints of cheating or fraud by any of store owners, mall owners (Tijarat.com) will investigate and if proven true will take steps to either suspend or remove that store owner permanently from the mall (Tijarat.com).

We will be continuously monitoring ratings given to the sellers and in case of “consistent” low ratings and bad reviews we will take steps to suspend or permanently ban that seller from the site.

Quality and customer satisfaction is important to us and at Tijarat we are working diligently to ensure positive shopping experience for everyone. Please review our Terms & Conditions and Policies to get more details on liabilities and seller & buyer responsibilities.